Flue gas ultrasonic flow velocity detector JR-G-C
JR-G-C-1000- 1: 1
JR-G-C flue gas ultrasonic flow velocity detector
jR-G-C flue gas ultrasonic flow velocity detector, the ultrasonictransducer adoptsjR-B-801B all metal transducer, and theultrasonic transducer is installed in a 316L metal shell, which doesnot come into contact with flue gas and is protected from fluegas corrosion and wear, At the same time, the flow rate detectoradopts a special excitation energy design and compensationalgorithm to ensure long-term trouble-free operation, greatlyreducing maintenance workload. Compared with flow ratemeasurement instruments that use differential pressure principleor thermal balance principle, the advantages are very prominent.
Composition ofjR-G-C flue gas ultrasonic flowmeter: