NDUV NO2 Gas bench
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NDUV NO2 Gas bench
Gasboard-2300 NDUV NO2 gas bench adopts non-dispersive ultraviolet absorption (NDUV) technology and highly stable pulsed LED UV source to measure NO2 gas. It can measure the gas concentration of NO2 with high accuracy and strong anti-interference without NOx converter.
Segment: Automobile Exhaust Gas Analyzer
Division: OEM Gas Bench
Division: OEM Gas Bench
- Direct detection for NO2 by NDUV with high accuracy
- No necessary to use the complicated NOx converter
- Suitable for ultra-low range monitoring, no moisture contamination
- Modular design for easy integration
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NDUV NO2 Gas bench
NDUV NO2 Gas bench
I have had these before and really enjoy them. They are functional and attractive to use. I will buy more as my plant population grows